Thursday, October 11, 2012

Letter from the International Sister Club Coordinator 2012-2014

Letter from international sister club coordinator 2012-14.

Contact Tove Jensen at this email:

September 2012.

As the new sister club coordinator I would like to introduce myself. I have been a Y´s Menette in Silkeborg, Denmark for almost 20 years, and I have always been fond of being a club member.
For many years my club has been corresponding with a club in Bendigo, Australia, and for some time I have translated letters from our sister club into Danish. It is great to read about life and experiences in a club far away.

If you have not got a sister club, you should consider establishing a sister club link. You may want ro have a sister club in your own country or in a neighbouring country. That will give you an opportunity to visit each other. A sister club far away will probably not give you that chance, but you can enjoy being pen friends and learn about life in another part of the world.
You will have to consider the language. Of course corresponding is easier if you speak the same language.

In the Y´s Menette International Manual is a Y´s Menette sister club application form. If your club wishes a sister club link, please fill out the application form and send it to your area director or your region director. I will then try to establish a link to another club and introduce you to each other.

If you have a sister club already, I hope you enjoy your correspondance. If you have any difficulties in contacting each other, please mail or write to me, and I will try to help you.


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