Sunday, May 19, 2013

Judy Irwin won heat after heat in the car races

She made this spiffy Y's Menettes car out of a block of wood! It was beautiful and very fast. Thanks Judy!

Here are all the cars that were in the races!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

See you at Convention! Don't forget your shell Centrepiece

This is Anne of Green Gables, sitting in a conch shell and  playing with shells she found on the beach.
This evening she and her friends plan to meet on the beach for a bonfire (see the little 'flame' below).
Later they plan to climb the rocks around by the lighthouse!
 Don't you forget to bring a lawn chair and a blanket for our sing song Friday night.
Such fun!
This is your Maritimes Region entry.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Our Brotherhood Delegate and Sister Clubs

Yahoo! I was so pleased to meet Mrs. Abraham the Y's Men Brotherhood Delegate from Kerala India, this morning at our church parade!

We have had 1327 visits to our blog since it's inception in November 2012 and 234 in the last four weeks. Two this week were from Australia! Please give your Sister Club the blog address.